A Cesspool Service that Smells Great

Did I actually make a blog post about a cesspool and septic service company?  Are you kidding me! Hey everyone this is Tom again. I know some of you are wondering about the headline. But some of the most potentially nauseating businesses may be doing things that we all can learn from.

Cesspool Service Long Island (http://www.cesspoolservicelongisland.org) is one of those companies that has use dogged persistence and willingness to do what the competitors refuse to do, that has made them the top cesspool and septic tank service company in Suffolk County New York.

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When the Lazy Win

There was a time not too long ago when a person always looked to improve themselves. Maybe it was through the use of self help books or maybe it was improving your skills.

One thing that was pretty common knowledge or at least common sense, at least some time in our history, was that the more intricate or more difficult the solution that you solved the more you got paid. And also the harder you work you get paid more.

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Is Network Marketing or Franchising for You?


Just recently, I had gotten into a conversation with someone about network marketing or as some of you may know by the term Multi-Level Marketing or MLM for short.

That that might as will be a four letter word for some people. Now obviously there’s a lot of unscrupulous companies out there, but let’s put things into perspective.

I have been through enough for them to know what to do and not want to do. I think the biggest issue that I have personally learned is not to get caught up in all the hype. A lot of network marketing companies work off the emotion of you getting rich quick. I call this the lotto syndrome.

There’s a lot of people in this country who want to get rich quick without working at it. Which is why this a success with the lotteries. The real truth is, work and risk is necessary to attain wealth

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Analyze till Bankrupt

I thought the headline for this post would grab someone’s attention. You may have heard it more commonly called Analysis Paralysis.

What I am referring to is that you have a deep burning to analyze every single angle. Everything that could possible go wrong with a deal, or business venture you are thinking of getting involved in, you have flow charts that cover your entire floor.

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Dying for Money

When of the things I noticed is that what can inhibit a person from succeeding in business is an insatiable lust for money. You would actually try and sell you mom undergarments that are not stitched correctly. Now that’s a disgusting thought

When you look at a customer, all you see is dollar signs and you want to figure out how much can you pull out of the moron and how little you can give. I am going to give you something that I mindfully meditate on, day and night.


Under Promise and Over Deliver

You are setting yourself up if you promise your customer your first born. This always lead to disaster. If the product or service you sell cannot stand on its own, the either dump it or fix it. You see, if what you do solves a problem, then if you deliver above that, you will develop a life long customer.

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Bumps on the Journey – Part Deux

My previous Part 1, I really took a swing at Amway (Sorry to you Amroids) which may have been a little unfair. One of the things that I learned is to take personal responsibility, for my actions. Yea, the typical networking marketing love bombing  and inferred lack of success anyone has if they do not see that their deal is the Holy Grail, that is directed your way, may work if you are not sure of yourself and what you are doing in life.

Even Dr’s, Lawyers and every type of professional are susceptible to this of mind games. They could be making 200k a year and some loser in a busted down Tercel will tell them that they have no dream….. AND THEY LISTEN!, Just ask my friend, Rich, from Window Tinting Long Island.  I spoke with him recently about his foray into the dark realms of mind controlling network marketing.

It was like he experienced that dismal drama yesterday as he spoke about this life episode with such clarity. I was chasing the dream, he said to me. They knew how to take advantage of that deep desire to succeed and be excepted.

Rich further elaborated that when your emotions supersede common business sense, that is your heading towards the tsunami of financial ruin. Little did he know that years later he would find solace in a home window tinting business.

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The Bumps on the Journey to Success

Hello guys, Tom here sipping on my pina colada just getting my fingers relaxed and ready to spit out my mind.

The thing that I have been learned is the need to look at things from other people’s perspective. This is the secret to success I believe. You see not everyone thinks like you do and if all you did was hang out and communicate with people who think like you, then you have limited your sphere of influence to those ridiculously boring friends that you imitate some semblance of life.

Being a successful entrepreneur did not come overnight for me.  I did all of the things you should do and more the of the things you should never do.

First thing you should never do to become successful is

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